Sunday, December 11, 2011

Comprehensive students' evaluation system


 Preamble: Every institution carries out internal examination/class test in order to evaluate how far the student has understood the portions covered by the teacher/faculty. On completion of the class test, each faculty collates the data pertaining to his/her subject, identifies the failed students, in order to provide additional coaching/counseling. Additionally, this evaluation also provides actions to be taken on the students’ performance before final examination in order to ensure that the “failed” students get thro’ the same.
Process: A simple process given below, using the collated data by the faculty makes a comprehensive system to measure the performance of the students in relation to the overall class performance and to evaluate the performance of the individual faculty
Performance evaluation of the students
o   Compile the marks scored in the class test student wise- subject wise in MS-Excel sheet
o   Grade the marks under the following groups
o   > 80%- Very Good
o   60-79%- Good
o   50-59%- Satisfactory
o   < 50%- Poor
·        Calculate the average score
·        Assign the Grades A, B, and C as given below
·        Take the following decisions for students, based on the above
o   If the individual score is > the class average score- GRADE A
o   If the individual score is < than the class average score, but >  minus 5% of the class average score- GRADE B- MOTIVATE the student
o   If the individual score is < the minus 5%, but > than minus 10% of the class average score- GRADE C-  COUNSEL the students,  give special coaching classes and watch the next exam score
·        Performance evaluation of the faculty
·        Calculate the number of Grades A, B, and C
·        Take the following decisions for the Faculty, based on the above
o   If the % of Grade A students is more than 70%, the Faculty is to be CONGRATULATED
o   If the % of Grade A Students is between 50 to 69%, the Faculty is to counseled for improvement
o   If the % of Grade A Students is less than 50%, the Faculty is to be counseled for improvement and identified for further training
·        The above system identifies the following requirements in respect of faculty
o   Changes in lesson plans
o   Changes in teaching methodology, use of audio-visual teaching aids, etc.,
o   Identification of faculty training requirements, much more effectively- looking from the perspective of the students

Measurement of effectiveness:
o   For Students- measure the Grades for each cadet for all the subjects to get an overview of the academics
o   For Faculty- combine the number of Grade A Students and the feedback from the students to get an overview of the competence